Avoid Low Quality Beauty Products - Learn to Read Labels like a Pro

Stop Wasting Money On Low Quality, Even Fake Beauty Products
When it comes to skincare products, knowing what’s truly a clean product versus one that may have harmful ingredients can be tricky unless you are a beauty guru.
We tend to fall for marketing ploys from vibrant packaging to claims that seem too good to be true. Often they are, but good marketing can cause us to look past any skincare red flags as we desperately want to believe the claims of what we are being sold.
The sad reality is that many people splurge on conventional products only to be disappointed with the results. Their wallet is a little emptier and their skin a little sadder and this can become an endless cycle as you continuously think that “this has to be the holy grail product I have been waiting for!”
Let us help you to stop spending your money on products that are essentially water and unhealthy filler ingredients that your skin will continue to reject again and again.
In today’s article we want to share some tips so you know exactly what to look for on every skincare label you encounter from now on.
These tips will ensure you avoid what you don’t want and find exactly what you need every time.
Check the Order of the Ingredients
The order of ingredients listed on the label will show you what’s in higher versus lower concentrations in the product.
Ingredients are always listed in descending order with the highest concentrations being listed further up.
If you see the active ingredient you were wanting listed more towards the end then you’re likely getting a diluted product that’s not really going to do all that much except expose you to potentially harmful toxins.
BEWARE of Amazon!...
Please be careful with products you find on amazon. Unless they are being sold by the Company itself, you really have no idea where the product is coming from.
There are many knock-offs on Amazon that can have some pretty serious effects on not only your skin, but your health too. Don't risk your beauty and well being by going for the "better price".
Remember, when you order directly from SIBU you're getting the freshest batches, earning you points on every purchase for special discounts, free gifts & exclusive offers and you’re backed by our 60-day unconditional money back guarantee.

Less is More, Simple Skin Care for the Best Natural Results
Forget needing to see a gazillion ingredients in a skincare product to deem it worthy.
In fact, our bestselling Sea Buckthorn (Sea Berry) Seed Oil is just that; one ingredient. It’s an oil so jam-packed in nutrients, antioxidants, healthy omegas and vitamins that your skin doesn’t need anything else!
Check the Expiration Date
That number with an “M” next to it, often on the lid or the bottom of your skincare product, indicates how long your product is good for. For example, “6M” means the product is good for 6 months.
It’s important to check the expiration date, because while many conventional products can sit on the shelf for years due to preservatives added, more natural products may not last as long.
Try keeping your moisturizer in the fridge to extend the life-span, as well as to enjoy an instant tightening effect as the cold helps to depuff the skin and add a refreshing burst of coolness!
Of course we care about our loyal customers and you will never find unnatural ingredients in any of our products, only pure, nutrient-rich love that will nurture your skin and provide long-term results, naturally!
What is the Best Solution that Works Every Time?
.... It's simple. Always shop SIBU for all your skin care, sea buckthorn & omega 7 needs! :)