Can Sea Buckthorn Help Rosacea, Eczema, Psoriasis & Problematic Skin?

The Most Healing, Repairing, Protective Beauty Oil?...
It’s estimated that around one-third of the world’s population currently suffers from some sort of skin challenge. Though problematic skin issues are the fourth most common disease in the world, this doesn’t make them any less debilitating
Problematic skin can range from mild to severe, and they can be one of the most difficult issues to live with due to decreased feelings of self-esteem, pain, and continued flare-ups. Fortunately, there are a number of studies that show some potential amazing benefits of sea buckthorn for problematic skin!
Sea Buckthorn oil is one of the most widely used plants in ayurvedic medicine due to its many different healing and calming properties on the skin. To learn more about the many benefits of sea buckthorn oil for skin problems and how it can help with rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis, read on below!
Sea Buckthorn Oils Used Since Ancient Greek
Sea Buckthorn oil is extracted from the plant known as Hippophae rhamnoides. The berries and leaves of this shrub produce a precious oil that has been used on skin and orally for its beauty & health benefits since ancient Greek times.
In fact, the ancient Greeks were known to feed the hard shrub and stems to horses, leading to shiny coats and healthy weight. This is actually where the term “Hippophae” originates from, meaning “shiny horse”.
Today, sea buckthorn oil is still widely used all over the world, where it is considered a powerful component used in everything from health and beauty supplements, to topical skin, and even used in Michelin star restaurants in one-of-a-kind recipes.
Sea Buckthorn Oil for Skin Problems?...
Because sea buckthorn oil is a healthy fatty oil, it has a variety of benefits for the skin when applied directly to the epidermis. Studies have shown that beauty oils like sea buckthorn oil actually have benefits such as:
- Helping to protect, regenerate, and soften the outermost layer of the skin
- Helping in relieving inflammation
- Helping to ensure the cells that promote hydration are protected
Can Sea Buckthorn Oil Help with Eczema?
For people with extremely dry skin due to eczema, adding a layer of sea buckthorn oil, either topically or internally can help dramatically improve skin hydration.
In addition, there are studies that show that sea buckthorn oil can also benefit atopic dermatitis symptoms. However, to get the most benefits from sea buckthorn to help the problems that arise with eczema, it’s best to use a high-quality blend of fruit oil and seed oil. Why, you may ask? Another study has shown significant levels of improvement in people with atopic dermatitis when using a sea buckthorn fruit oil.
Can Sea Buckthorn Help with Psoriasis?
Get this... For individuals with psoriasis, sea buckthorn oil has been shown to help improve lesions even 8 weeks after treatment with sea buckthorn!
The study showed improvements in people previously untreated for psoriasis, which had improved scores on the psoriasis area and severity index (PASI), which is used to measure how severe psoriasis is.
It’s important to know that psoriasis is a chronic condition, which makes it especially important to continue to use products such as sea buckthorn oil on a regular basis so you're continually giving your skin the proper nutrients to be and stay healthy. SIBU’s Luxe Oil contains the best of 7 high-quality oils. Made with an argan oil base and sea buckthorn fruit oil and seed oil creates a luxurious (USDA organic!) and powerful blend to help deal with the irritating problems psoriasis and many other skin ailments bring.
Can Sea Buckthorn Help with Rosacea?
The causes of Rosacea are not entirely well-known. In fact, researchers are still struggling to understand what exactly causes the painful bumps on the skin from this disease.
However, it is thought that there may be hereditary factors that might contribute to the development and triggering of rosacea. In addition, new research also shows that rosacea may be caused by a weakened immune system, which contributes to dilation, heat, swelling, and painful inflammation of the skin.
Sea buckthorn oil might be beneficial in this regard, since studies have shown that sea buckthorn helps to improve the immune system! It does this by increasing the number of healthy bacteria in the body including Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, and Bacteroides and reducing the number of Clostridium coccoides. Previous research has shown that these bacteria can positively affect the immune system!
Did we mention it's an incredibly powerful anti-inflammatory? Say goodbye to red, irritable, inflamed skin!
What's the Best Way to Use Sea Buckthorn Oil for Your Skin?
Today, there are a variety of companies offering sea buckthorn skin care and supplements for problematic skin issues, even acne.
The best choice for sea buckthorn oil is our Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil which may help alleviate the problematic issues of rosacea, eczema and psoriasis.
Those aren't empty promises either! Remember, not all sea buckthorn is created equal. Discover why SIBU's sea buckthorn is the best in the world (lab verified) and why no other company comes close in purity, potency, and efficacy>>>
To use the oil, make sure to use a gentle cleanser beforehand. Then, add just a few drops to your entire face or spot-treat on any problem areas you have have. You can also add a few drop of sea buckthorn seed oil to your favorite moisturizer to give it that extra healing and hydrating boost. You can also use SIBU’s Hydrating Facial Serum before using your moisturizer and before makeup as well to help penetrate the deeper levels your skin and stimulate collage production.