Female Dryness - Michelle’s Success Story

Vaginal dryness is a common problem that just doesn’t seem to be discussed – and understandably so...
Clinical studies conducted by Finnish firm, Aromtech, have shown promising results for women suffering from vaginal dryness.
While SIBU is geared toward helping problematic skin, we’re consistently getting positive feedback from women all over the world who have discovered a secret benefit by taking SIBU Sea Buckthorn Omega 7 Supplements.
Michelle struggled with vaginal dryness…
"I can’t rave enough about this product!
One day while in my local nutrition shop, a sales woman saw me looking at the omega oils and asked me if had tried the omega-7 sea buckthorn oil… I hadn’t.
I’m always all about the hair and skin products – but she said something else that really piqued my interest....
She mentioned it helps with vaginal dryness. As a young woman, you wouldn’t think I’d have any issues with that, but sadly I do!
Since my early/mid 20’s I’ve struggled with it, and have used lubricants – but sometimes it’s just embarrassing and some boyfriends haven’t understood or dealt with it well – I guess thinking they’re doing something wrong.
I’m aware it could be a mental thing, but hell… this stuff really works!
I started using the New Chapter omega-7 gel tabs at first, but switched to SIBU Omega 7 Support after the first bottle and I believe it works much better!
I take it daily… and have not used lubricant once since I started taking it consistently in February!It’s truly liberating.
I feel so much more confident, and sexy. I no longer have to stress about “am I ready to go.”
My body was just not in the same place as my mind. I’m sure the stress was worsening the issue… so it’s nice to relieve that fear.
Sometimes I am truly shocked at how much moisture I’ve got going on now! So is my boyfriend, haha!
We are BOTH happy customers. Supplements obviously don’t work for everyone, but it works for me ? I’m 31 now, and I finally feel like a normal healthy woman.”