Cooking with Sea Buckthorn for Healthy Skin

Using Sea Buckthorn In Cooking To Help Your Skin
Common skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and dermatitis affect 33% of Americans. Many of these conditions can be treated using natural products and methods. When you have a skin condition or allergies, these could benefit from using sea buckthorn skincare products and oils.
What you eat can also have a marked effect on your skin - when you eat healthily, your body will have the vitamins and minerals it needs to help your skin to heal. Sea buckthorn supplements can become a part of your diet, or you can eat the berries - it has a unique taste that can be added to dishes as an accompaniment. You can also use sea buckthorn in baking and cooking to enhance the flavor, giving your body the natural benefits from the inside out.
Vitamins and minerals
Sea buckthorn berries are extremely rich in antioxidants, which is what makes them particularly good for the skin. They also contain vitamins A,C, E and K, as well as being high in iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc.
Sea buckthorn is also one of the only known plants to contain four different types of Omega fatty acids. Omega-6 and Omega-3 in particular help to regulate the skin’s production of oils - this is important if you are prone to acne. Using a range of skin care products and cosmetics in conjunction with your diet can also have great results. Many private label products have high quality ingredients that can be used to effectively treat skin conditions, as well as moisturizing your skin.
Cakes and cookies
Sea buckthorn oil is extracted from the berries and considered to be the most valuable part of the plant. It has a distinct flavor that is zingy and herbal. Used in moderation, it can give your baking a unique taste that is unlike anything else.
Sea buckthorn works particularly well as a substitute for citrus fruits. You can add a few drops of sea buckthorn oil to your sponge cake instead of vanilla essence, and it works particularly well when added to a sugar syrup. This can then be used to make a drizzle cake with a vibrant flavor, or added to cookies.
Salad and vegetables
Adding a few drops of sea buckthorn oil to your salad will give it a unique flavor. You can also use the oil to make a delicious salad dressing. Mix 50 ml of extra virgin olive oil with a teaspoon of wholegrain mustard and a few drops of sea buckthorn oil. This dressing can also be brushed onto vegetables, such as carrots or zucchini to keep them moist when you are cooking them.
Whole berries (omega 7 Pure)
Using whole sea buckthorn berries has become incredibly popular in restaurants in recent years.
Many Michelen star restaurants across the USA use our very own, one of a kind SIBU Omega 7 Pure in their recipes from main dishes to desserts.
The thriving foraging movement has also brought the humble sea buckthorn to the attention of many reputable and well-known chefs. The berries are not often eaten raw, as they can be a little bitter, but mellow once cooked. You can fry them quickly in the pan, or gently roast them in the oven for 10 minutes. The berries can also be juiced for a drink that is high in antioxidants. This juice is perfect to use as a base for a sauce to accompany meat or fish. Dried sea buckthorn berries can also make a tasty addition to soups and stews.
Sea buckthorn is an underused ingredient that is rich in vitamins and minerals. Introducing this into your diet can help with skin conditions and allergies.