Wear RED (and Think Sea Berry ORANGE) for Heart Health
Tuesday, February 2, 2018 is National Wear Red Day. Fifteen years ago nearly 500,000 lives of American women were being claimed by heart disease. This frightening statistic prompted the American Heart Association and the National Heart, Lung and Blood institute to take action creating the first National Wear Red Day in February, 2005. Now, each year on the first Friday in February we raise awareness of heart disease and stroke in women by wearing RED, the color of our hearts. SIBU takes special interest in heart health as we are THE "Sea Buckthorn Company". No, sea buckthorn isn't red, but in our world, "ORANGE is the new red"! Our mission at SIBU is to provide whole body health and beauty through the power of sea buckthorn via nutritional supplements and natural skincare products; and this includes heart health! In an article released by Nutra Ingredients - USA, on Jan. 31, 2018, they discuss a recent study regarding the anti-oxidant and cardiovascular benefits of sea buckthorn berries. The berry contains over 190 bioactive compounds including omega fatty acids 3, 6, 9, and Omega 7, more than 60 anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, carotenoids, flavonoids and more. Also noteworthy is a study by Dr. Yan Jun Xu, where he sights sea buckthorn as a "promising plant for reducing cardiovascular disease risk". SIBU provides Omega 7 Sea Buckthorn supplements in juice and soft gel form to provide you with all of the benefits of sea buckthorn. Educate yourself on the power of sea buckthorn and Omega 7 and all it has to offer you. Wear RED and think ORANGE and you'll be well on your way to better cardiovascular health!